Optimize Space. Maximize Profits. Reduce Liability.

Ross Clark Material Handling Sells Lockers. We are serving our clients for more than 30 years!

There is nothing worse than squeaky, unmanageable lockers

Our lockers are designed to eliminate metal-to-metal contact for smoother, quieter operation. Whether you need them with shelves, multi tiered lockers, or custom locker accessories, RCMH can help you choose the locker that suits your needs and arrange for installation to your specification.

List of Lockers We May Have:

For more information: Call Today! 1-800-471-7225

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Benefits of a Locker

Consider Expanded Lockers for your Business

They are a great option for office/business space as they provide a place to store personal belongings and even clothes, while also providing a private space for employees to take care of their personal needs.

It is possible for companies to provide them for their employees without taking up too much office space. For example, some companies offer them in the corridor or in the break room.

They are also a great way to improve the work environment because it provides an opportunity for employees to take care of themselves when they need to, like during lunch or after work hours.

Again, we highly recommend you to contact us today! We have the best experts in Material Handling in this area!